
My housemate (2021) and I created an Instagram-like app for fitness content in Flutter.

Google Play Store About:

The world’s first ever fitness based social media app! FiddleFit is home to your fitness journey. It is a platform for you to share and discover workout videos, tips and tricks and highlight reels. Here you can connect with other athletes and document your growth as one yourself.
Simplicity is the goal here. We’re not trying to bombard you with shops, constant messages or any unnecessary content. We’r showing you what you want to see and who you want to follow.
Share your fitness journey. Upload your daily routines, your match highlights and if you’ve thought of anything interesting or come across something, it belongs on FiddleFit!
Follow coaches and other athletes and comment on their posts, letting them know what you think of their content!
With more ideas and additions to come, FiddleFit is going to keep growing alongside you!

*FiddleFit has been discontinued due to running costs.